Husqvarna Concrete Cutoff Saws and Powercutters Handheld, Electric and Gas Powered Cut Off Saws from Husqvarna Construction Products - A world leader in concrete cutting tools, made for professionals. Our line of powercutters includes gas, electric and hydraulic concrete cutters, including the K760 14" powercutter, the Husqvarna Cut n Break saws, K970 ring saws, K1260 rail cutting saws and Husqvarna concrete cutting chain saws. The Husqvarna K760 is a fantastic all-around, all purpose gas powered cutter with an ergonomic design and nice safety features. Our Husqvarna K760 and K3000 Cut-n-Break saws are designed to cut deep, using a step cut method, when you need to make openings in concrete walls, while maintaining a relatively low cost per cut. Our K970 Ring saw is the perfect tool for contractors, who have to adjust windows, doors and other openings, and is also a good tool for heavy user and precast applications. We also provide access to a wide range of OEM and aftermarket parts for these machines, and the rest of our light concrete equipment. Feel free to call our customer service, if you have questions, regarding these machines, at 573-785-3677